Reviving the Lost Art of Looking Ahead
The Guy Gannett House in Augusta is a museum now, but I still think of it as the policy percolator it once was, brewing up fresh ideas. In its days as the Maine State...
Climate Change/Energy / Ecological Values / Economics / Sustainable Practices
by Marina Schauffler · Published March 28, 2019
The Guy Gannett House in Augusta is a museum now, but I still think of it as the policy percolator it once was, brewing up fresh ideas. In its days as the Maine State...
Climate Change/Energy / Ecological Values
by Marina Schauffler · Published March 14, 2019 · Last modified March 28, 2019
“A thing is right when it tends to preserve the integrity, stability and beauty of the biotic community. It is wrong when it tends otherwise.” — Aldo Leopold, A Sand County Almanac Maine’s elected...
by Marina Schauffler · Published March 1, 2019 · Last modified March 4, 2019
Can something too small to be seen enlarge a worldview? From humble origins like household dust and showerhead slime, new insights are emerging into a vital and overlooked player in human health, agriculture and...
A recent report by the University of Maine Climate Change Institute offers a vivid reminder not to overlook the power of ecological connections. Clear links, like lobster populations responding to warming sea water, are...
Climate Change/Energy / Sustainable Practices / Technology
by Marina Schauffler · Published January 31, 2019 · Last modified February 14, 2019
Maine faces a “brand-new day,” Gov. Janet Mills announced in her inaugural address, a time to tackle outstanding work – like limiting the climate change that is “threatening our jobs, damaging our health and...
Climate Change/Energy / Ecological Values / Sustainable Practices
by Marina Schauffler · Published December 30, 2018
“Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced.” – James Baldwin It’s hard to muster a celebratory spirit welcoming in this new year. Too many...
In Louise Penny’s engaging mystery series, chief inspector Armand Gamache often launches an investigation by asking his team, “Tell me what you know.” It’s an effective strategy when assembling clues following a suspicious death....
“We can teach students what we know, of course, but that doesn’t take them very far now, does it?” – Professor Sha Xin Wei, director of the School of Arts, Media and Engineering, Arizona...