It’s been seven years since I set foot on a plane. I have not missed flying: not the sock-footed security drill, the shrinking seats or the fumes lingering in lungs and luggage. Now, it...
Climate Change/Energy / Pollution/Waste / Sustainable Practices / Transportation/Travel
by Marina Schauffler · Published July 22, 2018
It’s been seven years since I set foot on a plane. I have not missed flying: not the sock-footed security drill, the shrinking seats or the fumes lingering in lungs and luggage. Now, it...
“The old Lakota was wise. He knew that man’s heart away from nature becomes hard; he knew that lack of respect for growing living things soon led to lack of respect for humans too.”...
Pollution/Waste / Sense of Place / Sustainable Practices / Technology
by Marina Schauffler · Published June 24, 2018
It’s a gorgeous summer morning, fragrant with the scents of lilac and abelia, but my office windows are shut. A swarm of leaf blowers has descended just down the road, generating plumes of dust...
Ecological Values / Sense of Place / Slower Living / Sustainable Practices
by Marina Schauffler · Published June 10, 2018
Shopping didn’t used to require a glossary. But now there’s a profusion of labels like “pasture butter” and “field-grown perennial” that require translation. Consider the latter term: what portion of the plant’s life is...
Ecological Values / Economics / Sustainable Practices
by Marina Schauffler · Published May 27, 2018 · Last modified June 4, 2018
“Democracy is a process, not a static condition. It is becoming rather than being. It can be easily lost, but never is fully won. Its essence is eternal struggle.” — William Hastie, first U.S....
Ecological Values / Education/Family / Sense of Place / Slower Living
by Marina Schauffler · Published May 14, 2018
With all its fits and starts – unexpected April snows and fierce Nor’easters, spring has finally sprung. For southerly locales, the March equinox may herald the season’s arrival. But here, at least this year,...
Even before the soil could be worked this spring, I indulged my impulse to dig – shoveling into a pile of wood chips that an arborist delivered last fall. The chips were sodden from...
“Just because plastic is disposable doesn’t mean it goes away. After all, where is away? There is no away.” — Jeb Berrier in the documentary “Bag It” It’s easy these days to feel as...