Author: Marina Schauffler
“… Creativity must, in the last analysis, be seen not as something happening within a person but in the relationships within a system.” — Mihaly Czikszentmihalyi, Creativity Innovation is critical to achieving sustainability, making...
When the topic of cellphone safety arises, common responses harken back to grade school – stopping just short of the fingers-over-ears intonation “I can’t HEAR you!” Our addiction to these captivating devices is not...
“Is it really possible to be bored by the end of the world?” This question, in the opening minutes of Avi Lewis’s film This Changes Everything, reveals the paradox at the core of the...
When the editor of Source invited a column for this sustainable weddings issue, I confess that my reply was flippant: “Can’t people just elope?” In terms of low environmental impact, a courthouse wedding is...
The Press Herald recently reported that Maine residents spend a third more on food than the national average. This was not news for those of us tallying up grocery bills. We live daily with...
When a gas pump rejected my credit card, I assumed its card reader was broken. Later that afternoon, another store clerk returned my card unused and told me, “It may be shut down for...
Portland teacher Gus Goodwin has more than two decades of classroom experience, but recently students caught him by surprise. He was swept up in what he calls a “very powerful experience, one of the...
Lose weight. Exercise daily. Save more. It’s that time of year when holiday to-do lists morph into new year’s resolutions. Self-improvement goals are worthy, but it’s time to think bigger. Fortunately, there’s a resolution...