The Unifying Power of Place
There’s great comfort to being in a place where – even in solitude – you’re not alone. When no other humans are at my extended family’s rustic camp, I’m still surrounded. The picnic table,...
Ecological Values / Education/Family / Sense of Place
by Marina Schauffler · Published September 16, 2018
There’s great comfort to being in a place where – even in solitude – you’re not alone. When no other humans are at my extended family’s rustic camp, I’m still surrounded. The picnic table,...
Ecological Values / Education/Family / Sense of Place / Slower Living
by Marina Schauffler · Published May 14, 2018
With all its fits and starts – unexpected April snows and fierce Nor’easters, spring has finally sprung. For southerly locales, the March equinox may herald the season’s arrival. But here, at least this year,...
Ecological Values / Education/Family / Sustainable Practices / Technology
by Marina Schauffler · Published January 21, 2018
Christmas came and went, and my youngest child did not get the one gift he most wanted. Despite his disappointment about not yet owning a smartphone, I don’t feel bad – not after reading...
Education/Family / Pollution/Waste / Slower Living / Sustainable Practices
by Marina Schauffler · Published January 7, 2018
The bitter winds of January blow in, bringing guilt over seasonal excesses and resolve to show greater restraint. It’s an apt time to consider the advice of a self-described “personal trainer for your stuff,”...
Watching a child embark on the college search process can be sobering (and not just in making one feel old!). It sparks reflection on how much higher education has changed, and how much it...
Coastal Issues / Ecological Values / Education/Family / Sense of Place / Sustainable Practices / Transportation/Travel
by Marina Schauffler · Published July 9, 2017
Biking Mount Desert Island’s Park Loop Road over Memorial Day weekend, Friends of Acadia Conservation Director Stephanie Clement witnessed vehicular chaos. She has seen a lot in Acadia National Park over two decades but...
Ecological Values / Economics / Education/Family / Housing / Sustainable Practices
by Marina Schauffler · Published June 26, 2017
“Life started feeling very much like a double-edged sword – to be working so much to pay for a house we don’t own, are never at, and don’t have time to enjoy because all...
Education/Family / Health / Slower Living / Technology
by Marina Schauffler · Published April 16, 2017
“When our attention is perpetually narrowed onto a small screen, our world shrinks to meet it.” — Nancy Colier, The Power of Off: The Mindful Way to Stay Sane in a Virtual World How...